Thursday, 21 July 2011

Inclusion of Omega 3 fish oil to keep the Heart beating!

It is from numerous sources and the feed back provided, whether it is the Heart Associations or the Nutritionists who give their expert advices, talking endlessly on the fact regarding the presence of omega-3 fish oil in the diet especially for the ones who have lately detected the heart disease symptoms. An adequate intake is quite crucial as it has several advantages. Mostly found in fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, it is sure to reduce the chances of avoiding the much dreaded chances of a heart attack. The omega-3 fish oil is supposed to contain polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs, particularly beneficial when they are used to replace the saturated fat. When one considers the residents of the United States, they do consume it through corn oil, cooking oil, nuts and the various salad dressings used. In fact there are multiple human trials that have reported the reduction of blood pressure with the intake of omega-3 fish oil, although the high intake of the same may have drastic effects, so in case of any heart disease symptoms, it is advisable to take proper advise from a qualified healthcare provider, prior to starting of the treatment with these supplements.

The debate over the heart disease symptoms still continues as in women, mostly it is fatigue, shortness of breath, indigestion, upper abdominal pain, nausea, jaw or throat pain, or pain especially in the left arm. The supplementation of the diet with omega 3 fish oil as well as the cod liver oil concentration has shown the potential to reduce the probable progression of cardiovascular disease and the related mortality, that also has resulted in sudden cardiac deaths. Other instances known are of the traditional high-fat Inuit diet, known to provide a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids namely the DHA and the EPA.

It is, however, a myth that cholesterol is an evil substance that needs to be lowered as much as possible. What is vital, however, is that its presence is also important for building our cell membrane as well as producing several hormones. Most importantly, in addition to the profound heart-health benefits, fish oil certainly plays a very crucial role in not only aiding the heart but also makes a fundamental improvement in the development as well as the maintenance of the brain and the functions of the nervous system including the preservation of memory and most importantly mental clarity.

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