Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Fish oil for detoxification

Colon cleansing is an important part of detoxification. It is done with the help of certain herbs that are tested extensively. These herbs are the main ingredients for detoxification to achieve total mental and physical health.

The first thing that can be done to cleanse the colon is to take bestfish oil. It has been tested and proven that fish oil helps immensely in the removal of toxins from the body and that it is safe. When we take fish oil, it revitalizes the body and gives us energy. After taking a regular diet of fish oil like omega-3, our body starts to absorb vitamins and minerals that are essential for us. Our digestive system starts working in a proper manner again.

Total detoxification helps the body to absorb, assimilate and digest vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients when we start eating our normal diet again. It takes about a week for the bowel to start functioning again properly and prevent constipation. Colon problems if left untreated can lead to chronic fatigue, toxic poisoning and even colon rectal cancer. Colon cleansing can also prevent skin problems and bad breath.

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have been proven to effectively treat many kinds of disorders, from heart disease to depression. However it is important to remember that not all fish-oil supplements are alike. Some of them provide very little omega-3 and some may contain mercury. Choosing a good type of fish-oil supplement is vital. Listed below are ways to choose the best one in the market:

Purchase a supplement that is free of impurities. Choosing supplements that have pharmaceutical grade and are molecularly distilled is vital. Both these filtration processes ensure that mercury and other impurities found in fish do not get included in the capsule you take.

You should look for fish-oil supplements that come in capsule form and are enteric coated. Enteric-coating capsules are absorbed more easily by our body and also prevent a fishy taste after burping.

EPA and DHA are two different forms of omega-3 fatty acids and the body uses them in different ways. We should choose supplements that has high EPA-to-DHA ratio.

Choose a supplement that contains less filler. The lesser the filler, the higher the grade of the fish-oil.

Fruits and vegetables can be taken for colon cleansing but best fish oil is the best method. Use them to give your body a new life.

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