Thursday, 28 July 2011

Fish diet -convenient way to lose weight

There are plenty of fish diet recipes available in online resources and if one has decided to lose his/her weight this fish diet is a highly recommended convenient way to achieve the much awaited weight loss. Now fish in particular has got the enriched omega 3 fatty acids which when included in a normal diet including 3 to 4 servings per week drastically reduces in men the risk of prostate cancer. A recent study has also pointed out that intake of fish and fish oil supplements have decreased the heart problems. It has also improved the neurological growth in the case of growing children. The benefits of including the fish diet give two basic things to the one who consumes it. The first one is that it is a valuable source of protein but it contains a lower fat content when compared with the red meat products. The incredible omega 3 fish oil has many health benefits including improved cardiac function, immune system, colon cleansing and general well being of the whole body.

The fish diet menu ideally includes for breakfast a cup of green tea and low fat cottage cheese or an egg. The doctors recommend taking one tablet of ascorbic acid after taking the breakfast. Lunch in this menu includes just a cup of fish boiled fish [250 grams] with lettuces and no mayo! In addition to it can be included the vegetables like Cabbage, cucumber and string beans.

Tuna and salmon can be included for lunch in the prescribed portion but it must not be fried but it must be boiled in herbs to give unique flavor. The intake of any kind of liquid should be restricted after taking lunch .In the evening a cup of green tea or a cup of non-fat yogurt can be drunk. The dinner menu should finally contain

Non fried fish about 250 grams and a wide inclusion of spinach, lettuce is allowed. The inclusion of fish and sea food imparts good effects to the healthy functioning of the heart and overall improvement can be well noticed by taking sea food rich meals every day.

Now it must be noted that this fish diet is actually designed in two phases. The first three days one can evaluate if it is good for one's body system and if one finds it as not so good then he/she can look out for some other ways to reduce weight. However one must note that inclusion of this diet would definitely reduce up to 5 pounds off the unhealthy weight from one's body. This kind of diet ideally can be taken for 7 to 10 days. During the intake of this diet it is wise to drink lots of water and that too they must be drunk in empty stomach. Spices, herbs and soy sauce can be included in the meals to make the fish tasty but there must not be any trace of butter or oil to the fish diet.

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