Thursday, 28 July 2011

Include the best fish oil in your diet for a healthy heart

Heart disease is a lifestyle disease, meaning that by taking precautions it can more or less be prevented. It is also an umbrella term for different illnesses associated with the heart, ranging from congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease, inflammatory heart disease and ischaemic heart disease. Finding out which type you suffer from is the first step so doctors can prescribe the best care.

The leading cause of death in many countries, heart disease also affects people of a younger age as they indulge in junk food, alcohol and tobacco. The boom of fast food joints too has contributed to people taking less care about what they eat. Places with access to junk food joints, alcohol and tobacco will no doubt see many cases of people suffering from the disease. Inactivity, as our lives become more automated, is another contributor. Lack of exercise makes our bodies weak and unable to fend off many illnesses.

Heart disease symptoms present themselves in many ways like palpitations, lightheadedness, fatigue, chest pain or discomfort and loss of consciousness. As other diseases may have the same symptoms, you’ll have to be diagnosed to find out the exact cause.

When it comes to food, there may be nothing better than including some fish oil in your diet. Its wonders have been known for a long time as it contains omega 3 fatty acids. These acids help the body repair itself, raise good cholesterol and have anti-inflammatory properties. Aside from supplements, you can get the best fish oil from fatty fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel. Due to the presence of mercury in most fish, scientists are now attempting to develop synthetic omega 3. This will also help temper overfishing and will be a boon to those who don’t like the taste of fish.

If you feel like you’re exhibiting heart disease symptoms, don’t wait and get to a doctor fast. Even if you don’t suffer from it, try to include the best fish oil in your diet to help prevent any likelihood. Also remember to cut back or entirely quit tobacco and alcohol and be more active so that your body gets its required exercise.

When you know you have heart disease

Jacob was on holiday with his family when he suddenly developed tightness in his chest. He thought nothing of it, being only thirty four. His wife suggested he may have eaten something that upset him. However, the tightness did not go away the following day. It was accompanied by dizziness and nausea, unusual fatigue and shortness of breath. He decided to pay a visit to a general physician down the street. Hours later, the physician had him rushed to a cardiac unit in the city for a more thorough check up and soon, he was lying in the I. C. U. awaiting his turn for open heart surgery. He had all the heart disease symptoms. The scan had revealed some major blockages.

What Jacob’s wife could not understand is why he developed heart disease suddenly and at such a young age. There had never been any problems like this ever before. He had never shown any heart disease symptoms. As a young man, Jacob had been an athlete. There was no history of heart disease in the family. He had never even needed a general check up ever before. Palpitations are a major cause of heart disease. Jacob had never complained of having them. Palpitations are an unusual awareness of the heartbeat. It can be a rapid heartbeat or skips in the heart beat. Basically it signifies an irregular beat.

Doctors later helped Jacob and his wife to understand what exactly might have led to his heart disease. He had always been athletic and exercising all the time. Until about four years ago, he had been slim and had had time for the gym on a regular basis. His wife used to cook a healthy meal at home. Then he got a job in Florida and it was a hectic one. There was no time to eat well and exercise. He had gained a lot of weight suddenly and had also began to smoke.

After the operation, Jacob would have to be careful about his diet. There would be no smoking at all. He would have to have regular walks. There is a new study that suggests that the best fish oil when consumed can keep your heart healthy. Jacob would now have to consume fish oil or the supplements. The omega-3 fatty acid present in the best fish oil can protect the heart.

Why is colon cleansing important for your body ?

The digestive system of the human body is an intricate structure. Giving us the ability to consume and digest food and drink, it is aided by hormones that regulate the system. Considering the types and amount of things we take in, our intestines, in particular, need regular cleansing to keep infections and diseases at bay. Aside from detoxification and medication, you can incorporate certain foods in your diet for cleaning intestines.

A clean digestive system not only digests food properly but also successfully eliminates waste. This is necessary as toxins build up in the body and need to thrown out. Aside from urine, defecation eliminates this waste but proper regulation of the system is a must for these to occur smoothly. In fact, if not taken care of, diseases like colon rectal cancer can rear its ugly head along with infections like diarrhea and constipation.

One of the most effective ways for colon cleansing is consuming omega 3 fatty acids. Found in nuts like walnuts and flaxseed, it is an essential acid that the body needs in order to function properly. Found most abundantly in fatty fish, omega 3 not only helps cleanse the body but is also known to fight cancer, heart disease and depression. Besides, a clean digestive system increases energy levels, absorbs vitamins and minerals better, clears the skin and generates an overall feeling of good health.

Cleaning intestines and undergoing regular cleansing or detoxification helps rid your body of toxins found from fat, internal organs, muscles and the blood. Naturally, these accumulate over the years due to our intake of certain foods and bad habits like tobacco consumption and alcohol. Incorporating omega 3 fish oil especially that found in fish oil (from fatty fish) will not only help you clean your insides but will also help prevent a myriad of other diseases.

Where else can you find a substance that fights so many different infections and diseases? And fish is delicious too so you can’t go wrong. The only thing you need to keep in mind if you’re planning to get your fish oil from eating fish instead of supplements is to choose those fish that are lower down the food chain as those on the top contain higher mercury levels. If you don’t like fish, buy supplements with omega 3.

Fish diet -convenient way to lose weight

There are plenty of fish diet recipes available in online resources and if one has decided to lose his/her weight this fish diet is a highly recommended convenient way to achieve the much awaited weight loss. Now fish in particular has got the enriched omega 3 fatty acids which when included in a normal diet including 3 to 4 servings per week drastically reduces in men the risk of prostate cancer. A recent study has also pointed out that intake of fish and fish oil supplements have decreased the heart problems. It has also improved the neurological growth in the case of growing children. The benefits of including the fish diet give two basic things to the one who consumes it. The first one is that it is a valuable source of protein but it contains a lower fat content when compared with the red meat products. The incredible omega 3 fish oil has many health benefits including improved cardiac function, immune system, colon cleansing and general well being of the whole body.

The fish diet menu ideally includes for breakfast a cup of green tea and low fat cottage cheese or an egg. The doctors recommend taking one tablet of ascorbic acid after taking the breakfast. Lunch in this menu includes just a cup of fish boiled fish [250 grams] with lettuces and no mayo! In addition to it can be included the vegetables like Cabbage, cucumber and string beans.

Tuna and salmon can be included for lunch in the prescribed portion but it must not be fried but it must be boiled in herbs to give unique flavor. The intake of any kind of liquid should be restricted after taking lunch .In the evening a cup of green tea or a cup of non-fat yogurt can be drunk. The dinner menu should finally contain

Non fried fish about 250 grams and a wide inclusion of spinach, lettuce is allowed. The inclusion of fish and sea food imparts good effects to the healthy functioning of the heart and overall improvement can be well noticed by taking sea food rich meals every day.

Now it must be noted that this fish diet is actually designed in two phases. The first three days one can evaluate if it is good for one's body system and if one finds it as not so good then he/she can look out for some other ways to reduce weight. However one must note that inclusion of this diet would definitely reduce up to 5 pounds off the unhealthy weight from one's body. This kind of diet ideally can be taken for 7 to 10 days. During the intake of this diet it is wise to drink lots of water and that too they must be drunk in empty stomach. Spices, herbs and soy sauce can be included in the meals to make the fish tasty but there must not be any trace of butter or oil to the fish diet.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Inclusion of Omega 3 fish oil to keep the Heart beating!

It is from numerous sources and the feed back provided, whether it is the Heart Associations or the Nutritionists who give their expert advices, talking endlessly on the fact regarding the presence of omega-3 fish oil in the diet especially for the ones who have lately detected the heart disease symptoms. An adequate intake is quite crucial as it has several advantages. Mostly found in fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, it is sure to reduce the chances of avoiding the much dreaded chances of a heart attack. The omega-3 fish oil is supposed to contain polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs, particularly beneficial when they are used to replace the saturated fat. When one considers the residents of the United States, they do consume it through corn oil, cooking oil, nuts and the various salad dressings used. In fact there are multiple human trials that have reported the reduction of blood pressure with the intake of omega-3 fish oil, although the high intake of the same may have drastic effects, so in case of any heart disease symptoms, it is advisable to take proper advise from a qualified healthcare provider, prior to starting of the treatment with these supplements.

The debate over the heart disease symptoms still continues as in women, mostly it is fatigue, shortness of breath, indigestion, upper abdominal pain, nausea, jaw or throat pain, or pain especially in the left arm. The supplementation of the diet with omega 3 fish oil as well as the cod liver oil concentration has shown the potential to reduce the probable progression of cardiovascular disease and the related mortality, that also has resulted in sudden cardiac deaths. Other instances known are of the traditional high-fat Inuit diet, known to provide a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids namely the DHA and the EPA.

It is, however, a myth that cholesterol is an evil substance that needs to be lowered as much as possible. What is vital, however, is that its presence is also important for building our cell membrane as well as producing several hormones. Most importantly, in addition to the profound heart-health benefits, fish oil certainly plays a very crucial role in not only aiding the heart but also makes a fundamental improvement in the development as well as the maintenance of the brain and the functions of the nervous system including the preservation of memory and most importantly mental clarity.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Omega 3 Fish oil – A wonder in curing our Illness

Researchers have shown that Omega 3 fish oil is effective in treating mental disorders. The tests were conducted on several people who had a great potential of becoming psychotic. However after the patients were administered fish oil the results were visible that it reduced the risk of the patients of becoming psychotic .Omega 3 fish oil comprises of polyunsaturated fatty acids which prevents cardiovascular diseases. The fatty acids that are present in fish oil also help in proper functioning of our nervous system. Omega 3 fish oil is also known to prevent diabetes and cancer.

Throughout the world human beings are gradually becoming aware of the benefits of fish oil in treating mental illness without any side effects as in the case of treating patients with antipsychotics. The side effects often range from a sudden weight gain to improper functioning of sexual organs. Apart from these the antipsychotics drug gives rise to a host of other ailments like diabetes and high blood pressure. These drugs are not cheap and they also lead to violent outbursts in a person. These drugs are also a threat to our environment. So fish oil are currently in huge demand and are slowly replacing the drugs in the market.

The truth is that there is no better alternative than fish oil as it has extremely beneficial properties. The drug manufacturing companies are trying to sell their drugs in the market as they will lose their business to fish oil.

Various tests have confirmed that fish oil has helped individuals with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. There has been a marked improvement in their condition since the time they have started consuming fish oil. However it is important that you buy good quality fish oil as the cheaper varieties are often made with olive oil with a little quantity of fish oil.

It is a common misconception that you develop heart disease symptoms when you suffer from any kind of heart disease. In most of the cases the heart disease symptoms does not show as there is deposition of plaque buildup in the arteries for several years. Once the artery narrows down after deposition of the plaque it is generally during this time that the symptom generally occurs. The common heart disease symptoms are usually marked by shortness of breath with chest pain. When the coronary arteries of a patient are clogged the patent experiences extreme discomfort. There is often a pain associated in shoulder, neck, jaw or in both the arms. The heart beats faster and the patient suffers from dizziness. Some individuals also experience nausea or feel extremely fatigued.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Fish oil for detoxification

Colon cleansing is an important part of detoxification. It is done with the help of certain herbs that are tested extensively. These herbs are the main ingredients for detoxification to achieve total mental and physical health.

The first thing that can be done to cleanse the colon is to take bestfish oil. It has been tested and proven that fish oil helps immensely in the removal of toxins from the body and that it is safe. When we take fish oil, it revitalizes the body and gives us energy. After taking a regular diet of fish oil like omega-3, our body starts to absorb vitamins and minerals that are essential for us. Our digestive system starts working in a proper manner again.

Total detoxification helps the body to absorb, assimilate and digest vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients when we start eating our normal diet again. It takes about a week for the bowel to start functioning again properly and prevent constipation. Colon problems if left untreated can lead to chronic fatigue, toxic poisoning and even colon rectal cancer. Colon cleansing can also prevent skin problems and bad breath.

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have been proven to effectively treat many kinds of disorders, from heart disease to depression. However it is important to remember that not all fish-oil supplements are alike. Some of them provide very little omega-3 and some may contain mercury. Choosing a good type of fish-oil supplement is vital. Listed below are ways to choose the best one in the market:

Purchase a supplement that is free of impurities. Choosing supplements that have pharmaceutical grade and are molecularly distilled is vital. Both these filtration processes ensure that mercury and other impurities found in fish do not get included in the capsule you take.

You should look for fish-oil supplements that come in capsule form and are enteric coated. Enteric-coating capsules are absorbed more easily by our body and also prevent a fishy taste after burping.

EPA and DHA are two different forms of omega-3 fatty acids and the body uses them in different ways. We should choose supplements that has high EPA-to-DHA ratio.

Choose a supplement that contains less filler. The lesser the filler, the higher the grade of the fish-oil.

Fruits and vegetables can be taken for colon cleansing but best fish oil is the best method. Use them to give your body a new life.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Effective Colon Cleansing

Fish oil exactly means the extraction of the oil from fish. The quality of fish oil varies depending upon the quality of the fish. But the best fish oil is the extraction of the fish oil from the oily fish like tuna, mackerel, trout, salmon, herring and sardines. These gives the best fish oil as the oil from these types of fish have larger amount of omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. It has been proved scientifically that omega-3s prevents number of diseases, ailments and illness.

The benefits of best fish oil are in large number. The omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish oil are very much helpful and effective to prevent heart disease. It is also very much helpful for promoting healthy immune system, joints, brain, kidneys and more. Fish oil is very much helpful and effective for our brain also. Fish oil is also full of anti-inflammatory properties and thus it is very much effective and helpful in reducing the pain, swelling and stiffness which are caused by lupus and arthritis.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and they are responsible to increase the lifespan of cells by protecting the chromosomes. Aging is caused when DNA strands become damaged due to the death of cells. Omega-3 is very much effective and helpful in slowing down the process of aging by protecting the chromosomes.

It is also very much effective in colon cleansing. When you use the best fish oil then within few days all the toxins from your body get drained away and it also revitalizes your body. It is very much helpful in beautifying our body especially from inner side. It is very sound and safe for our body. Even fasting is also one of the natural cleansing methods. So, detoxification in any way is very much effective and helpful to keep our body fit and fine. It is a fact that we treat our body as a dustbin or the collector of garbage. So inner cleaning is also very important for keeping our body healthy and beautiful from inside. You should clean your body by any method of your choice.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Eat fish to assist in colon cleansing

The wonders of eating clean, fresh fish can never be doubted. From being able to aid in the curing of depression and cancer, its health benefits cannot be stated enough. In fact, it is believed that those countries that incorporate plenty of fish in their diet are at less risk of suffering from many ailments than others. If you think that substituting it with supplements is better, think again, as it has been found that the real thing is more packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. Let’s not forget, however, that due to pollution, many fish have high content of mercury. Those that contain the least are salmon, clam, sardines, trout, mackerel, herring and flounder. Steer clear of the others and keep yourself informed of any changes in statistics.

Fish can also be used for colon cleansing, an important part of the digestive tract, responsible for clearing out excess water and salt before waste is passed out of the body. As a clean colon is said to help in combating a number of diseases, it is important that it is detoxified at regular intervals. Aside from products available on the market, you can achieve this by consuming certain herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, aloe leaf and fennel. You have to admit, though, that fish tastes so much better so why not incorporate as much of it in your diet?

As stated, the best fish oil can be obtained from the types of fish listed above. Eat around two servings a day for best results, though pregnant mothers and infants will have to limit their intake. If you’re still concerned about the mercury levels in fish, choose those that are lower down in the food chain. Sharks, whales and other big fish (those on the top of the food chain) are more likely to contain a higher amount of mercury. Do remember to consult your doctor even if you decide to use the best fish oil for colon cleansing. Detoxification may not be suited to some individuals so it is important that you know the risks that may be involved. If it’s a no-go, you can substitute herbs and if you have the go-ahead, you can sit down to a hearty meal of some delicious fish.

Omega 3 fish oil for a healthy heart

Millions of people around the world suffer from heart-related diseases. Each type of heart disease has different symptoms although there are warning signs that are similar. The symptoms depend on the severity and type of the condition.

The common symptom that heart conditions share is chest pain, otherwise known as angina. It is usually felt in the chest, although it can occur in the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw or back. It is described as a painful feeling, heaviness, pressure, aching or squeezing of the affected area. At times, it can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn.

There are other heart disease symptoms as well. These include shortness of breath, palpitations or irregular heartbeats, a faster rate of heartbeat, sweating, weakness and dizziness and nausea. Shortness of breath is however not very common. It is associated more with conditions like asthma or COPD. Edema is another sign of heart disease. It is the swelling of the feet, ankles, legs or abdomen. Extreme and unusual fatigue is another one of the heart disease symptoms.

Fatty fish such as cod, salmon, mackerel and herring have oily tissues from which fish oil is derived. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids. These acids are called EPA and DHA. Most of us do not eat enough fish to get these fatty acids from them. This is why fish oil supplements are helpful.

Research has shown that fish oil has many significant health benefits. The omega 3 fatty acids are the main reason for this. Studies have shown that diets that are rich in EPA and DHA reduce the risk of a large number of illnesses. Cardiovascular diseases as well as various types of cancers are included in the illnesses that fish oil prevents.

Omega 3 fish oil help to improve the health of the heart in many ways. They help in removing platelet build-up from the arteries to lower the risk of getting a heart attack and also help in lowering cholesterol. They are also in strengthening the heart’s electrical system, thus reducing the risk of harmful abnormal rhythms. It has been shown in studies conducted in many countries that there is a 40% less chance of getting a heart disease if fish oil is taken on a regular basis.

If one wants to live a long and healthy life and avoid serious diseases like heart conditions and cancer, a daily dose of omega 3 fish oil can help immensely.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Best fish oil for colon cleansing

Do you like to live in clean surroundings? Then clean your inner body too.

We love to live in clean surroundings; even we love to dwell in clean house. If the things are unclean we clean them properly and then use them. We always take bath and use outer beautifying methods for our body. We take bath; we use facials and body massages and all other methods to beautify the body from its outer. I am sure till you don’t get any problem with your body; you might not ever think of having cleaned your body.

It’s not strange to know that your body becomes a dustbin or the garbage collector, as your body is stuffed with so many toxins, and the biggest reason behind it can be that when you have food, then toxins with the food particles enter in your body. Sometimes food particles are having chemicals which harm your body and toxins enter in the body system. All this happens because you forget to care that inner part body also needs cleansing not only the outer surface.

What can be done for beautifying the inner body?

So, now the question is what can be done for beautifying your body from inner side? The foremost thing which can be done is to take best fish oil. Yes, this is hundred percent true that the removal of toxins can be done by best fish oil. It is a well tested method and is counted safe and sound for our body. Some people even go for fasting for keeping their body and soul free by using natural cleansing methods. If detoxification is not be taken seriously then one day our body will become a living purgatory and will be victimized by so many serious diseases.

When you swallow best fish oil for the colon cleansing, it revitalizes your body and all the toxins take a few days to get drained from the body. After taking a proper diet of the best fish oil, you would see that your body will, again start absorbing essential vitamins and minerals. You limbs and digestive system will work in a proper manner, you will be able to have a good diet again and it will not cause constipation and you will feel lighter and evacuated from inside. Without detoxification of the body, we are unable to erode the digestive hindrances. We have to drain out the toxins completely after few days by divergent colon cleansing methods; no doubt fish oil can be the best solution.

Omega 3 fish oil fights heart disease

Heart disease affects millions around the globe irrespective of status or race. It is said to claim around 17.1 million lives a year, making it one of the largest killers in the world. What is important to remember, however, is that most heart problems can be attributed to lifestyles, meaning that a majority of them can be prevented. Aside from taking medication, a proper diet and regular exercise are sure fire ways to combat this preventable disease.

Among the many foods that need to be consumed for a healthy diet, omega 3 fish oil is one of the best. Found in fatty fish, it is believed to help cure a variety of ailments and diseases like cancer, heart disease and even depression. There are two main types of omega 3 - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is crucial that you know how much of both to take so consulting your doctor will be necessary as some supplements may contain more or less than desired. Research has shown that omega 3 fish oil not only reduces the risk of heart disease but also has anti-inflammatory effects that can counter many others. However, it may not always be possible to include fatty fish in your diet due to costs or non-availability. Hence, taking supplements are required to get your dose of the recommended 1 gram a day of omega 3 fatty acids.

Heart disease symptoms are plenty as the term encompasses many types of diseases. This umbrella term includes coronary artery disease, heart attack, arrhythmias atrial fibrillation and congenital heart defects. Some of the key symptoms, however, include heart palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, fatigue or lethargy and shortness of breath. Of course, these symptoms could also indicate other diseases so you’ll need to rule them out.

So many diseases can be prevented with a few right choices and heart disease is no different. Incorporating omega 3 fish oil in your diet in adequate amounts can not only fight this killer disease but can also prevent a myriad of others from affecting your body. Aside from saving yourself massive health care costs, you’ll be able to lead a better life free from preventable illnesses and diseases.