Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Fiber foods to achieve weight loss

If you are one of those who are dieting for weight loss, then you should include a lot of fiber foods in your diet. These types of foods contain low amounts of calories and help you to feel full for a long time. Fiber is actually a kind of plant material that requires some more time for getting digested by the human body. There are two types of fiber, the soluble and the insoluble fiber. The soluble type dissolves easily in water and forms a gel in your intestine. Some good sources of soluble fiber are barley, oatmeal, certain fruits, vegetables and kidney beans. The insoluble type is passed out intact along with the stool. It acts as a sponge and absorbs water. It is found in some vegetables, skin of fruits, whole grains and wheat bran.

Fiber foods provide a lot of health benefits to the body. They help to slow down the glucose absorption, lower the cholesterol levels, add bulk to the stool and make it soft, provide a feeling of fullness, contain very low amounts of calories and phytochemicals that reduce the risk of cancer. They also have a lot of minerals and vitamins required by the body. The bowel functions properly when you take fiber foods regularly. A person may require about 20-35 g of fiber daily. If you are more than 50 take about 21 g. For men, 38 g for the younger people and about 30 g if more than 50. Fiber is also useful for preventing gas, bloating and diarrhea. A lot of water is also necessary to prevent constipation.

If your foods do not contain fiber, then try to include a few more grams daily till you get adjusted to the new intake. Try to include variety of sources like legumes, nuts, cereals and fruits so that you can get calcium and minerals too. Other fiber foods to include are pears (9.9 g of fiber), bananas (3. g), a cup of raisins (5.4 g) etc. Add any one of these to your snacks in the morning. About 50 g of peanuts contain 4 g and almonds contain 5.5 g of fiber. They can be stored as snacks in your desk too. Try to include some of these foods before your dinner too so that you can cut down on your fat and carbohydrates. Other foods you can take for fiber are a cup of strawberries (3.3 g), raspberries ( 8 g), blueberries ( 5 g) and blackberries ( 7.6 g).

If you want to include vegetable sources to your meals try haricot beans (4.3 g), soy beans (4 g), broccoli (2.6 g) etc. Most of the frozen foods do not have enough fiber. So try to include only fresh fruits and vegetables. In order to speed up the process of weight reduction you can use some herbal weight loss supplements too. Using these supplements is considered to be safe because there may not be too many side effects. Most of these supplements are appetite suppressants. They control your hunger pangs and make you eat less. There are many over-the-counter herbal weight loss supplements that can be very useful for reducing your weight. Before buying, consult your doctor and take his suggestion to prevent other problems.

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